Generator Installation & Maintenance Case Study
Statement of Work: A large US Wireless Services provider required a generator solution for > 1,000 cell sites across the market.
For each site, the program includes:
- Install or upgrade to a new generator. Requirements include all civil work to enable upgrade / installation and any site restoration where obsolete equipment was removed.
- Perform scheduled and ongoing 24/7/365 on call maintenance, as required.

TriStruX Solution
TriStruX’s unique combination of our licensed electrical subsidiary and experienced in-house civil construction capabilities allows TriStruX to meet all facets of a generator program. Tristrux uses relationships with key Generator OEMs to ensure coordination across the install process and as trouble-free an installation experience for the client as possible.
Site Prep: TriStruX’s project managers coordinate the civil effort to prepare the site, pour the new concrete pad and extend/upgrade electrical service to the site.
Installation: PMs coordinate transport and crane services for a smooth generator delivery. Experienced crew installation of the generator on site, test installed equipment to establish baseline operational readiness and work with Client Operations Center, as necessary, to commission equipment back into the network.
7/24/365 Maintenance: Operational process refined over years of providing on-call and preventative maintenance ensures operation in the event the site has an outage. TriStruX has a significant local, in-house crew presence in these markets to allow for a robust emergency response program, Project and Operational procedures, including 24/7/365 on call resources for faster mean time to site arrivals, ensure quick “return to service” performance during an outage.
(Click here for a pdf of this case study)