State-of-Art Electrical Solutions
5G and Densification of telecom networks requires lower power usage and massive focus on efficient power consumption to cost effectively meet the endless exponential growth of data demand. Whether it’s on-site power and electric work for DC and AC power, project management or backup power work, TriStruX offers a wide range of programs and services to support critical infrastructure needs. We utilize our deep infrastructure expertise to work on projects with our diverse licensed electrical subsidiary connecting 5G services in ROW, CO BDFB, battery work, and installation of cell sites generator and alternate power solutions.

Professional Electrical Services

Case Studies
Please click on a case study below to learn about the SOW that our client awarded us and how TriStruX managed the project.
Client Need: A large US Wireless Services provider requires a total cell site generator solution. The program includes installing a new generator and then ongoing scheduled and 24/7/365 on call maintenance, as required.